If you were to do a straw poll on the least favoured mode of transport, chances are most people would respond, “bus”. It’s easy to be negative about bus travel but, truth is, modern buses are a million miles more advanced and comfortable than the image you likely have in mind. Read below for 11 Reasons why travel by bus is best.
Seriously, if you’re looking for a comfortable, affordable, enjoyable way to make your way around a country while traveling, bus travel should be top of your list – for a myriad of reasons.
Experience people and places. Check out bus travel now
Reasons why bus travel is best

- Eco-friendly: Travelling by bus is reckoned to be the most economically-friendly mode of transport – considerably more eco-friendly than flights or trains.
- Fast ‘check-in’ and security: If you were to take a flight, you have to get to the airport (normally out of town – let’s say an hour), you need to check in two hours before departure – and then there’s the luggage collection/passport control/security etc at the other side. Say your average flight takes 2 hours. Realistically, that becomes six hours (1hr to the airport, 2hrs check-in, 2hrs flight and 1hr security/luggage collection on the other side). travelling by bus negates all these delays. You get on the bus, travel, you get off the bus. Simple.

- Cost-effective: On average, the price of bus travel is around one quarter that of flying – often considerably less.
- See the country: Unlike travel by plane, on a bus you actually experience some of the country, up close rather than from 40,000ft. Bus travel gives you a better idea of a country than almost any other mode of transport. Plus you’ll likely travel with locals.

- Relaxing and comfortable: Modern buses are equipped better than most budget airlines – often with more leg-room and more comfortable seats. Toilets are standard on most these days and, while we’re not exactly talking porcelain luxury, they’re still at least on a par with most airline restrooms.
- Expansive network: In most cases, taking a flight will result in some form of transfer when you arrive – ironically, normally by bus. Most country’s bus networks connect directly to the majority of cities and towns – big and small – very often within walking distance of your end destination.

- Chargers and wifi: Most budget airlines don’t offer USB charging/power sockets and only high-end, expensive flights offer Wifi – yet both are provided, as standard, for free on the majority of modern buses. Sure, the wifi can be sketchy at best – but then you still have the option of using your normal cellular connection. There’s no need for ‘flight mode’ on a bus. Check this article on the future developments we could see in terms of bus innovation.
- Book your seat: Similar to their airline equivalents, most modern bus companies and third-party operators now offer the option to reserve your choice of seat at the booking stage.

- Wide-range of apps: There are now specialist third-party operators offering bus travel over the majority of Europe, most with very user-friendly apps on both iOS and Android. Check our best travel app pages for download links and more information.
- Greater choice of departure times: Most bus routes offer multiple departure and journey times, giving you far greater flexibility.
- Free accommodation: If you’re traveling, you’re likely doing so on a budget. Taking an overnight bus to your destination can mean a free, warm and comfortable night as you’re whisked to your destination. Arrive fresh, bright and early for another day on the go.

The days of slow, uncomfortable buses are, in the main, long past. Most modern operators in developed countries offer a very comfortable, very cost-effective, very flexible solution to getting around.
If you haven’t traveled on commercial bus services for a few years, give it a go and prepare to have your opinion well and truly changed.
Experience people and places. Check out bus travel now
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